Wednesday 14 January 2015

Serious Approach For A Serious Outcome In Life

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matt. 22:37

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To take life casually is to end as a casualty.

Anybody who is not serious with life does not have a serious future on earth. It takes a serious approach to life to have a serious outcome in life. Eccl 9:10 says, ‘Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might;’ (paraphrased). In my university days, we had many people like that; people who were never serious with fellowship, Bible study, prayers, etc. Endeavour to be serious with your Christian life, Bible study, prayer life, work, your relationship with your spouse, family, etc. Try as much as possible to be serious-minded. Let the devil confirm that you are a serious man or woman. If you have decided to serve God, serve Him militantly, violently, aggressively, and passionately. If you want to give, give militantly, aggressively and violently. If you are a doctor, do it passionately and militantly. Whatever you do in life, let one of your major attributes be seriousness, so no devil can take you for granted. And by so doing your destiny must end seriously and gloriously.

It is unfortunate that there are those who play about everything, until they end as jokers. Remember the story of the young boy who was always crying ‘wolf?’ ‘Wolf, wolf, wolf is coming,’ and when his parents came and there was no wolf; he would say, ‘I was just playing.’ ‘Wolf wolf, wolf, wolf is coming,’ they rushed to deliver him but there was no wolf. And one day, he started crying, ‘Wolf, wolf, wolf,’ his parents said, ‘He is just playing as usual,’ but the real wolf came and ate him. People who are not serious with life end as casualties. To take life casually is to end as a casualty with all manner of negative things. That will never be your portion, in Jesus’ Name!

1. Do everything that you have chosen to do with seriousness.
2. If you won’t give anything your best, don’t do it all.

PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to do everything that I am doing with all seriousness, in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: MORNING: Gen. 30: 1- 31:16; Mt. 10:1-8 EVENING: Ps. 12:1-8; Prov. 3:18-15

QUOTE: You require aggression to acquire your possession. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche.

Extract From: Seeds of Destiny, 14/01/2015.

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