Wednesday 14 January 2015

Live With The End In Mind

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Hebrews 9:27

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Consciousness of eternity imparts cautiousness to life.

To end well, you must live with the end in mind. If Jesus tarries to come, the energy you have now may not be at the same level in fifty or seventy years’ time. This is because the aging process is also an energy-reducing process. Therefore, whatever you need today’s energy to do that you fail to do may never be done. A time comes in some people’s life when they would wish they were younger so as to be able to do certain things that require youthful energy.

You have to be mindful of the fact that a day will come when the opportunities of today may not be there anymore; a time where the energy of today may no longer be available. Most importantly, understand that a time will come when everybody will have to report in eternity. Now, if that consciousness is always on your mind, and you realise that what you can do now, you may not be able to do forever, especially as you grow older, it will impart on you a sense of urgency and put you under pressure to do today what you were planning to put off till tomorrow. Fact is, if you live with the end in mind, you must end well.

But when people live without the consciousness of eternity, they live carelessly and recklessly; they behave anyhow. For instance, some young ladies will leave themselves free for everybody, moving from one hotel to another. People like that do not think that there is an end. When you ask such people to give their lives to Christ, they may say, ‘Leave me alone my friend!’ The Consciousness of eternity therefore imparts caution to life. When you are conscious that there is an end to everything you are doing now, you will behave more cautiously and responsibly. Always endeavour to remind yourself that every sunrise draws you closer to your sunset. When you remember that, then you can live with wisdom, thoughtfulness and profit. Don’t squander the opportunities coming your way now; utilise them cautiously and profitably. 

1. Stop procrastinating; start doing those things that you need to do now.
2. Always maintain eternity consciousness.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive strength to do the things that I need to do at the right time, in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: MORNING: Gen. 31:17-32:12; Mt. 10:24-11:6 EVENING: Ps. 13:1-6; Prov. 3:16-18.

QUOTE: Who you live for determines who you live with in eternity. Culled from 21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO by Dr Paul Enenche.

Extract From: Seeds of Destiny, 15/01/2015.

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