Tuesday 6 January 2015

Revelation of the Nigerian Church and Nation

Below is the prophecy shared by Solomon Olonade.

Calvary greeting to the Church of God in Nigeria in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a great privilege for me to share this message that the Lord gave me to the Body of Christ in our nation Nigeria. Continue...

Please, the message I am about to share now should be read with the mind of the Holy Spirit and heard with the ear of the Holy Spirit, not to be seen as political point of view. I know the state of the nation at this moment has put many of us in the Christendom into such a confusion that we are not even paying attention to the things of the Spirit. This hinders us from understanding the move of God and knowing why we are experiencing what we are experiencing in this nation at this point in time. I am not a politician. I don’t know anything about politics. I am a missionary, serving the Lord in my mission field, and it pleases the Lord to bring me into His presence to see the situation of our nation Nigeria and how HE has put His ambassador here to give life to Nigeria if they are ready to work with HIM.
It happened on the 06/09/2014, a Saturday morning around 5am after I had finished my personal all night prayer. I decided to rest on my bed before I moved to family morning devotion. Immediately, as I lay on the bed, I entered into a revelation. In the revelation, I saw myself standing beside an express road. I stood on the right side of the express for a very long time and there was no vehicle going or coming, not even one person was seen in that area: It was a very lonely road. After I had been standing for a long time, I noticed a car was coming slowly from my left side. I was watching the car and I asked myself: “who is this fellow driving on a lonely road like this?” When the car finally got to the spot I was standing, it stopped and the man seating beside the driver wound down the glass, looked at me and I looked at him closely to know who he was. I saw that it was President Goodluck Jonathan, our president in Nigeria. He said to me, “Come inside, we are going to somewhere.” I asked him: “Where are we going­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­? He said: “we have somewhere we must go right now. So, come inside with me.” Then I entered into the back seat. Immediately I entered the car, another person entered through the other door and sat beside me. We were now four inside the motor vehicle. We (including the driver) started moving and the man beside me started praying in tongues. He was so busy speaking in tongues that he did not even look at me as I was trying to talk to him to find out who is he was. But, there was no response from him. So I was thinking in my heart: “Why the president would be travelling alone?” And President GOODLUCK JONATHAN answered me. He said at this time he must move alone. I asked: “Did you hear what I am thinking in my heart?” He replied: “I hear everything you are saying in your heart.”

I was trying to look at the driver’s face to see whether I could recognize him, but I could not look at his face; the more I try, the more difficult it was for me to see his face. After we had driven for a long time, we still did not meet any car on the road and no car met us: we were all alone on the wide express road. When we had driven for hours, we finally got to a close on the express. At this close, we met two buildings that were beside each other. At the center of the road there was only a narrow way between the buildings which it could only contain a person to walk through at a time. We then parked at the middle of the road.

The man beside me was still busy speaking in tongues and he never said anything; he did not talk to anybody, but kept praying in tongues. Then President Goodluck Jonathan said we should all come down from the car. After we all came down, he said we had to carry the car because we were on the narrow road we had to pass: we could not take another road. So, we all carried the car in the four corners. The President and the driver carried it at the front, I and the man praying in tongues carried it at the back. To my great amazement, the car was so light in our hands and president said we should bend the car. We carried it through the two buildings (bending it) and crossed to the other side of the buildings. We saw that the express still continued onwards and we all put the car down, entered and started moving again.
We were just driving alone on the road even after we had driven for long hours. We got to a place where we found a one story building, parked in front of that building and our president came down from the car. The man that was praying in tongue and me came down from the car also. Then, President Goodluck Jonathan said to me: “don’t go anywhere we have work to do.” Then, he entered the building through the stair case to the last floor. This man was still busy praying in tongues and he never talked to any of us.

After about thirty minutes, our President came out of the building. He had now changed his dress to sport shorts and a shirt. He came out with a plastic chair and a cutlass in his hand and he said to me: “Follow me”. So, I and the man praying in tongues followed him. We crossed to the other side of the express road with our legs and started going on foot again. After we had walked for a long time, we met a very big river on our left side. This river was so big that we could not see the end. Then, we stopped beside the river. Our President Goodluck Jonathan then used the cutlass in his hand to cut the bush beside the river and threw the plastic chair in the water. To my great surprise the chair just stood on the water in one place. The President said to me: “Make sure you do not go anywhere, we have work to do.”
Our President jumped on the chair and the chair carried him into middle of the river and he dived into the water. As I was walking around the river to see what would become of my President in the water, the man that was praying beside me did not even give attention to me: he was still speaking in tongues. After a long time, our President Goodluck Jonathan came out of the river with two dead children: one boy and one girl of about five years old in his hand. He walked to me as he said: “It is my duty to rescue these children from the river where they have been drowned, but it is your duty to give them life again. I have done my own part it’s time for you to do your own part by bringing them back to life again.”

As he stretched the children to me, I was afraid of receiving them from his hand and I turned to the man praying in tongues to receive them from his hand. The man spoke to me for the first time and said: “Receive them from his hand. It is your responsibility to bring them back to life.” So, I collected the two children from his hand, laid my hand on the girl and mud started coming out of the nose and mouth of the girl and she came back to life again. I did the same thing to the boy. He also came back to life again. The two of them stood up in front of me and then crowd of people came to us. They were so many that they could not be numbered and everybody was saying: “Thank God these children came back to life, they have been sunk into that river for years so they can come to life again.”

Then I wondered what was happening and I turned to my President Goodluck  Jonathan to ask him what was happening. I could not find him again even though I tried to look for him, but I just could not find him. I then turned to the man that had been praying in tongues to ask him where our president was, but I could not find him either. I looked for him, could not find him, and fear came upon me as I stood in the midst of the crowd with the two children. With that, I came out of the revelation and realized I was in a trance.
I was perplexed and wondered: “What sort of revelation is this?” I prayed: “LORD what are you saying? Why is this revelation? LORD make your mind known to me.”
I dressed up to go to the meeting I had that Saturday morning in the LORD’s house.

By the time I got to the meeting that day, it was around 12pm and the meeting had gone very far. In fact, prayer was already going on. As I was about to sit down, the LORD spoke to me HE said: “Now you will know the meaning of the revelation you had this morning.”      
The LORD said to me: “The President Goodluck Jonathan you saw in the revelation is the same President Goodluck Jonathan you have as your President in Nigeria. The ‘you’ that you saw in the revelation represents the CHURCH of GOD in Nigeria. The two children you saw in the revelation is the Nation of Nigeria.”

When the Lord told me this, fear came upon me and I could not hold it. So, I walked to my Pastor. I told him I had a message from the Lord to the Church of God in Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan and the Nation of Nigeria. He told me that I would come to the pulpit when it was time for me to do so. When it was time, he called me and I delivered all the message I had received to the Church. Beginning from the revelation to the meaning. Immediately I finished, one of our Pastors who happened to be a Missionary, Pastor Abiola, stood up and asked whether he could say something. We agreed that he should speak on. He said three years ago when Goodluck Jonathan was campaigning, he was in a prayer meeting with some brethren. One of them shared a similar revelation but not in detail. He said that the brother saw Goodluck walking beside a river and that two children had sunk, that was all.
The following week, I went to one of my leaders: Pastor Ojo, of Kingdom Glory Prayer Ministry. I shared this revelation with him. He said that the man that was praying in tongues should be the intercessor of the Church that have been praying for the nation.
The following Sunday evening, I came home very late around 10pm. When I got home, my little sister of thirteen years of age: Ireoluwa Ajibulu, after serving my food, sat in my front which was quite unusual of her. I asked: “what is the matter? What do you want?”
She asked: “Uncle Solomon how old were you when God first spoke to you? Can God speak to a child? And who are the people God told you are the crowd that came round to see those children in the revelation you saw? Can God speak to anybody at any age? The Bible says, “From the mouth of the baby the Lord ordains strength” What is God telling you?  
She said when she was in the church and the service was going on, she heard a voice inside of her that asked: “Did Solomon talk about the people that came around in the revelation?” She answered: “No”. Then, the voice said that the people were the nations of the world that would be surprised about what God was about to do in Nigeria.
I said: “I am sure it is God that is speaking to you.”

Church, Church, Church, I think it is time for us to seek God’s face concerning our nation more than ever before, especially for the present President. I can see clearly that God has a reason for bringing this man to the office of president of this nation at this time. Let’s ask ourselves critical questions: “Why is it that it is this man that is the president of Nigeria at the important year in Nigerian history? Why is it that the nation of Nigeria is in a serious challenge at the time he is the President? Why is it that everyone is against him? Why are the crises so many in the nation now than ever before?
Church of God, the battle in the nation is not against the president but it is a clash of kingdoms over Nigeria. God has interests in Nigeria that will bless the whole world. May I announce to you Church: Nigeria is at the point of deliverance from the bondage of a hundred years’ slavery, and the devil knows it. That is why the nation is in the pain of a child birth. This baby called Nigeria must be delivered and not just to be delivered, but alive, safe and sound. If anybody says he will put an end to Boko Haram, it is just a political lie. Unless he compromises with their demand, it is only the God of our Lord Jesus Christ that can put an end to them through the prayer of the Church.

Solomon Ola Olonade.

Source: Kingdom News 

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