Monday 3 November 2014

Being Joyful

Even though the fig trees are all destroyed, and there is neither blossom left nor fruit; though the olive crops all fail, and the fields lie barren; even if the flocks die in the fields and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be happy in the God of my salvation. Hab. 3:17-18TLB. Continue...

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Joy is the secret of strength, wisdom, favour and the Anointing.
People go up when they cheer up and they go down when they feel down. The above Scripture could also be rendered this way: ‘Although nothing is working around me, yet I will rejoice and as I rejoice, the Lord will make me walk on my high places.’ The flight you take to the high places of the earth is called JOY. Joy took Nehemiah and kept him at the palace. Joy took David and Joseph to the palace. When you are weighed down, you remain down. Anything that weighs you down, has planned to keep you down. You can’t fly high as long as you feel low because weight is the enemy of flight. The heavier your weight, the more impossible your flight.

I advise, challenge and encourage you to kill everything called depression. The word ‘depression’ also means a sunken or hollow place, that is below a horizontal plane (like a valley), while elevation is the opposite of depression. A life of depression therefore keeps people in the valley. A life of excitement on the other hand takes people to the mountain top. Depression keeps you in the pit, while excitement takes you to the top; it is a matter of choice. So you must make up your mind today to kill everything that is fighting your joy. Joy is the secret of strength, wisdom, favour and the Anointing; these four things will take you to the top. To experience joy, do the following:

  1. Cast all your cares upon the Lord.
  2. Don’t focus on where you are, focus on where you are going.
  3. Don’t focus on past losses, focus on future possibilities.
  4. Don’t focus on what you don’t have, focus on what you have.

Remember this: joy is the secret of strength, wisdom, favour and the Anointing.

  1. Study and meditate on Philippians 4:4.

Source: Seed of Destiny, Dunamis, 03 November 2014

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