Saturday 18 April 2015

Hope And The Fulfilment Of Destiny

For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. –Ecclesiastes 9:4. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If you are not hopeless, you can’t be helpless.

For the past few days, we have been looking at how to live long and fulfil destiny. So far, we have examined in detail, the impact of living in God’s Presence and that of possessing a clear vision on the fulfilment of destiny and living a long life.
Today, we shall be looking at the impact of hope on the fulfilment of destiny and longevity.
Hope is the belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen. It is the virtuous desire for future good.
From our definitions, we can see that hope is very vital to the fulfilment of our destiny. Hope has to do with the expectation of future good and what you don’t see coming will never come. Hope supplies the necessary nourishment required by our lives on the journey of destiny. How then does hope facilitate the fulfilment of destiny and longevity?
a. Hope is key to help from God: Hope in the heart of a person provokes the help of God. Why do I say so? We can see it in Psalms Chapter Sixteen from Verse nine to Verse ten: ‘Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.’ David, the Psalmist, says he would rest in hope through which he would connect help from God. You see, if you are not hopeless, you can’t be helpless.
b. The End of Hope is the End of Effort and the Establishment of Stagnation: Where hope ends, effort ends, and when effort ends, stagnation and failure are inevitable. Hope is required to live out your days and fulfil destiny because where hope ends, action is arrested. Hopelessness is the doorway to depression which not only limits destiny but buries people before their time. This shall never be your portion in Jesus’ Name.
Beloved, my counsel to you is this: Refuse to be hopeless under any circumstance in life because hopelessness is the foundation for frustration, depression and complete destruction in life. If you are not yet married for instance, and you think you are overdue for marriage, don’t lose hope because God is bringing the right person. If you don’t have a child yet, don’t lose hope, you can’t be barren. Maybe you are jobless, still don’t lose hope. And most importantly, you are alive and ‘For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope for a living dog is better than a dead lion’ (Ecclesiastes 9:4).
So, never come to a point where you are no longer making effort. Don’t be tired of your covenant obligations, your relationship with God and your service in His Kingdom. Refuse to give up. Maintain your hope for a better life. Continue to expect the best. Never allow your life to sink into hopelessness. Be hopeful because His help is on the way and you need hope to receive it. It’s a new day for you.

ASSIGNMENT(S): 1. Make demands for a fresh release of faith and hope. 
2. By all means, don’t lose hope, keep on keeping on.
PRAYER: Lord, I make demands for a fresh release of faith and hope. Help me never to give up; help me to keep keeping on, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: Joshua 16:1 to 18:28, Luke 19:1 to 27, Psalms 87:1 to 7, Proverbs 13:11
QUOTE: Life is programmed from the heart … when you lose grip on your heart, you lose grip on your life. Culled from 15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL by Dr Paul Enenche.

Extract From: Seeds of Destiny, 18/04/2015.

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