Sunday 15 February 2015

Sunday Seeds Of Destiny Devotional - The Bulldog Tenacity

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Tenacity births authority...
According to the Oxford English dictionary, tenacity is the quality of being very determined, being able to grip something firmly. Many people give up too quickly for lack of tenacity. Tenacity is what births authority. Have you ever heard of the tenacity of the bulldog? Bulldogs hardly give up. There is this story about a little bulldog; it would run from its house, cross the road, go under the fence of another house, meet a big dog, and engage it in a fight. The big dog would beat and push it away. The little bulldog would leave, cross the road and go back home. The next day, it would go back again to fight with the big dog. This continued for a while until one day, the big dog sighted the little bulldog and started running. It started running not because the little bulldog could beat it but rather because it was tired of fighting. That is exactly what to do with the devil. Beloved, whatever situation you find yourself, never give up on prayers because God never ignores the cries of the desperate; He never lets down those who look up to him. For instance, Daniel looked up to God, and was not disappointed. Esther, blind Bartimaeus, Hannah etc., all looked up to God, and were not disappointed. That is why a prayerful life makes the difference between a miserable life and an honourable life. The choice against prayer, therefore, is a decision for misery, and the decision to pray is a decision unto honour. And whenever you pray, don’t pray as if you have an alternative; pray as if your whole life depends on it (and of course it does). Jacob was very conscious of this fact, and that was why he was not prepared to let the angel go until he got his blessing (Genesis 32:26). Behave like that bulldog; remain in the fight until you make the devil to surrender. Beloved, if there is anybody that should give up between you and the devil, it is the devil.

1. Go over the passage again. 2. Do as the passage says.

PRAYER: O Lord, I pray for a life-changing encounter, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: Exodus 39:1–40:38; Mark 1:1–28; Psalms 35:1–16; Proverbs 9:11–12
QUOTE: God is waiting on you; your generation is waiting on you; you are waiting for you! Go in this thy might. Culled from GO IN THIS THY MIGHT by Dr Paul Enenche. 

PROPHETIC PARENTAL BLESSING FOR THE WEEK: I prophesy a fresh baptism of hunger for God. Hunger for the Word, fresh light, insight, and revelation is coming upon you, in Jesus Name!

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