Sunday 22 February 2015

A Change Of Mentality

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Any fear, agitation or spirit of uncertainty in your mind has to die.

There is a tribe in East Africa (Kenya to be precise) where a young male has to bring the head of a lion in order to be initiated into the masculine age group of the family. He would fight with, and cut a lion’s head and present it while it is still fresh. Then after this, he would be considered to be a man, otherwise, nobody would give him their daughter’s hand in marriage. It is a common sight, therefore, to see people from this tribe moving freely in a wildlife park while lions are passing by. It appears as if even the lions know them because nobody in their normal senses would be moving about fearlessly in their midst. The lions could have also perceived that for members of this tribe to move about freely in their midst, means that they could as well kill them.

So, the lions seem to have accepted their free and fearless movement among them as a norm. This tribe is called the Masai tribe in Kenya. Their courage and vigour inspired a lot of admiration in me in the course of my visit to a wildlife park in Kenya. If ordinary tribesmen can exhibit such fearlessness in the face of imminent danger (lion), then as a believer, any fear, agitation and spirit of uncertainty in your mind has to die. The devil can smell fear and sense the way you are feeling and behaving. Therefore, don’t let the devil take advantage of your fear; let it die. One of the things that God helped me with a long time ago is ‘ruggedity’ of mentality. Although I respect a lot of people, I am not afraid of any man, demon or witch because I look up to God alone. Beloved, no matter how big or small you are, look up to God and let that fear in you die.

1. Have a change of mind-set; banish fear out of your life.
2. Try as much as possible to remove all forms of uncertainty from your mind and look up to God alone.

PRAYER: Lord, I refuse to fear what tomorrow brings because I look up to You alone, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: Leviticus 14:1–57; Mark 6:30–56; Psalms 40:1–10; Proverbs 10:11–12
QUOTE: Those who apply mentality cannot be victims of satanic captivity. Culled from WISDOM WAYS by Dr Paul Enenche.

Source: Seeds Of Destiny, 22/02/2015.

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