Monday 9 February 2015

Avoid Ungodly Alternatives

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Whatever the enemy gives you is a calamity in disguise...

Many times, people serve God when there is little or no pressure. However, only few people still serve God excitedly when situations are unfavourable and uncomfortable. We live in a world where people are addicted to pleasure and ease and allergic to inconvenience. The question is, what do you do when you are faced with delayed expectation, or contradiction of life? When your joy is under attack and the devil wants you to be depressed all the time; when there is mockery all around you, when you are facing an impossible situation, what do you do?

Resolve never to bow to the pressure of working out ungodly alternatives. For example, there are some people who advise women having the challenge of conception with their spouse to go and get a child through another man. And people do such despicable things as alternatives to God’s noble purpose and agenda. Others may advise you to sleep with your boss in order to be promoted in the office. Some may even ask you to ‘pay someone to write the exams for you, and you can confess later.’ But that devil is a liar! Remember, Abraham bowed to such pressure from Sarah his wife to have a child through her housemaid and the result of that action remains a problem of the world till date. Referring to Ishmael, the product of that compromise, the Bible says that his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand will be against him (Gen. 16:12). He was a rugged fighter from the beginning. The fact is that the alternative will always fight your miracle. You should never try to work out an alternative because it will lead you into a mess that will mess up your miracle. The Bible indicated the existence of confrontation between Ishmael and Isaac (Ishmael was caught mocking Isaac – Gen. 21:9). So, the child of promise was always fought by the son of the bondwoman right from the very beginning. Little wonder, their descendants are still embroiled in bitter fight today. However, that is not to say that if you need medical attention, you shouldn’t go and get one. What I mean in essence is that you shouldn’t resort to doing any ungodly thing in order to “assist” God to achieve what He wants to do for you. Just remain with God because whatever God does not have does not exist. And whatever the enemy gives you is a calamity in disguise. What God can’t give you, don’t look for it. Where God can’t take you, don’t go. And what God can’t do for you must remain undone. 

1. Do not try to get by your own power what God has not yet given you.
2. Prayerfully wait on God for the things you need.

PRAYER: Lord, with the help of Your grace, I shall not go after what You have not given me, in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: Exodus 29:1–30:10; Matthew 26:14–46; Psalms 31:19–24; Proverbs 8:14–26
QUOTE: Solving your problem your way can worsen and complicate your destiny. Culled from 21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO by Dr Paul Enenche.

Extract From: Seeds Of Destiny, 09/02/2015.

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