Wednesday 17 December 2014

Let God Take Over

And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands. 1 Sam. 17:47

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you ‘face’ God instead of facing your troubles, you invite God into the battle.

A worshipper of God is not ‘finishable’. The witch that can ‘finish’ the man who worships God has not yet been born or ‘manufactured,’ and will never be ‘manufactured.’ Continue...

What are the consequences of worshipping God in the midst of troubles?

When you ‘face’ God instead of facing your troubles, you invite God into the battle. He steps into the battle, takes over, and then it is over.

When you worship God in the midst of trouble, you set confusion into the enemy’s camp. The easiest way to confuse witches and wizards is to ‘face’ God when they want you to ‘face’ them. The easiest way to handle some agents of the devil in your office is to ‘face’ God when they want you to ‘face’ them. The devil likes attention and when you give him attention, you have made his day. The easiest way to handle the devil is to deprive him of attention.
When you ‘back’ or turn your back on your trouble and ‘face’ your Maker, you set the enemy’s weapon against each other. If you want to see demons fight demons, ‘face’ God. When you turn back again, the trouble would have been over.

When you ‘back’ your trouble and ‘face’ your Maker, God will turn your battlefield into a harvest field, calamity into prosperity, adversity into advantage and frustration into acceleration. You can make the devil run mad by behaving as if he does not exist.
Remember this: when you ‘face’ God instead of facing your troubles, you invite God into the battle.


Hand over your battles to God today if you have been handling it all by yourself.
Give God your attention and not the devil in order to set confusion into the enemy’s camp and to experience victory in life.

PRAYER: Lord, as from today, I hand over my battles to You and back the enemy, in Jesus’ Name.

Extract From: Seeds of Destiny, 17/12/2014.

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