it comes to your personal life matters, take advice don’t take orders. Be a
good student not just a blind follower. Don’t let anyone control your life, be
your own boss. That is how God created you to be. Hence, He gave you a will and
the power and freedom to exercise it. Anything or person that deprives you of
the power to excising your will is not of God. Be it your church, pastor,
leaders, mentors, parents, family, spouse, friends, colleagues, etc. This
is what I call manipulations and is from the pit of hell. Jesus never did that
to His disciples even God did not do that to humanity. Then who are you to do
that to your fellow human?
that you are a pastor does not give you the right to run people’s personal
lives. You can advise, guild and care for people, but don’t control them. Let
them take their final decisions themselves. There are so many dictators in
suits today in our churches in the name of pastors. Be very careful of them and
don’t allow yourself to be a victim of their manipulations. They are like sheep
in wolf’s clothing, pretending to be working in your favor but what they are
really after is their stomach and self-aggrandizement. Pastors that want to be
in charge of everything concerning your personal life, it is ridiculous but yet
true. So many people are so naïve to let these things happen to them because
they have been brain-washed to believe that doing this is pleasing God.
will your pastor be the one to choose your life partner for you and tell you
when to marry? How can anyone even allow this to happen to them you might ask?
But that does not still change the fact that is happening every day. These
dictators in the name of pastors have mastered the act of manipulations. They
have known how to best take advantage of the ignorance of their followers. The
scriptures rightly said it; my people perish for lack of knowledge. Because
they will not study the scriptures themselves or build personal relationship
with God, they have come to believe that the word of their so called pastors is
equivalent to the words of God.
they are blinded to the staggering facts starring at them. Even when something
is not pleasing to them they can’t oppose it. Because saying no to your pastor
will get him angry and if he is angry, it will shift you from God’s covering
and by so doing you will not be blessed. What level of ignorance! Guess who
taught them this strange doctrine? “Their pastors, the dictators” I am totally
perplexed by some believers that will not do their due diligence to study the
bible for themselves. They do not have any personal relationship with God but
are only busy chasing religion, church activities and the mundane things of
live. What a tragedy!!!
on! Take your life back. Start by building a personal relationship with God and
stop chasing shadows. Until you know and build a personal relationship with God
yourself, you will not be set free from the manipulation of other humans
irrespective of whom they are. Get your mind to work, develop yourself, work
hard and be a good student of the bible and a diligent follower of Christ not
your Pastor. I’m I in anyway saying you should not respect or obey your
pastors? Not at all! My point in conclusion is DON’T LET ANYONE TAKE THE PLACE
By Dr.
Bien Sufficient
Bien Sufficient is a Medical Doctor, Pastor, Writer and a Public Speaker. President
@Kingdom Lifestyle Movement.
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