While waiting for the
manifestation of their healing, some people find it hard to believe that Jesus
really took their sicknesses and pains, just as He took their sin and shame. If
you are one of them, don’t feel condemned. Your Father in heaven understands.
That is why He put the word “surely” there when He said, “Surely, My Son has
borne your sicknesses and carried your pains.”
Once, my daughter Jessica was
crying all night because she was not feeling well. She had been sick for a few
days. In my study, I took out my Bible and the Lord led me to Isaiah 53:4 where
it says, “Surely He has borne…” Now, I know the original Hebrew here and it
says, “Surely He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains.” So I said,
“Surely, He has borne Jessica’s sickness…”But it was like the verse was just not real to me. Her cries seemed more real. Then, all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to a word in the verse that really revolutionized the way I saw the whole passage.
Notice the first word in the verse? It says, “Surely…” Surely, He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains. Now, look at the next verse: “He was wounded for our transgressions...” Every Christian knows and believes that Jesus was wounded for our sins, yet the word “surely” is not put here but in the earlier verse. I think God knew that we would find it hard to believe that Jesus also bore our sicknesses and carried our pains, so He put the word “surely” there to help us believe!
When I saw that, I said Surely, Jesus bore Jessica’s sickness and carried her pain! I don’t care if I can still hear her crying. Surely, Your Son, Your beloved Son, bore her sickness and carried her pain! Hallelujah!” That night, the breakthrough came. That night, little Jessica was healed.
Are you or your loved ones suffering some sickness or pain right now?
Surely our Lord Jesus has borne your sicknesses and carried your pains. And as you believe this truth, surely, your healing and breakthrough will come!
Daily Grace Inspiration
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