really do not have any business being with a man who cannot help you be your
best or at least, let you be your best. A man that is insecure about your
dreams and achievements will drain you and leave you dry. The moment you see a
sign of continuous insecurity in a man that wants to marry you, this is the time
to end that relationship. Run for your dear life. A broken relationship they
say is better that a broken marriage.
what most ladies do is to shrink themselves to accommodate the excesses of the
man. Some even go ahead to say that “he will change, let me just be patient
with him. He will be better after we are married.” Wrong! Wrong!! Wrong!!! That
is very far from the truth. Marriage does not change anyone; it will only
multiply who you are. That kind of man, from being insecure around you will
turn to a control freak; because he will be trying to put you in a place that
will make him feel good about him being in control and secure at your expense.If you have a vision for your life, if you want to fulfill the purpose of God for your life, if you want to do anything tangible and leave your name in the sand of history, then that is not the kind of man you want to be with. Run for your life now, when you still have the opportunity before you enter into the worst prison you can ever think of in life. On the other hand; if you are visionless, lazy, and do not desire to fulfill the purpose of God for your life, then go ahead and marry such a man.
Never place getting married above fulfilling your purpose. I have never heard or seen anyone who is remembered and celebrated in history because they were married or because of whom they were married to. Your primary essence in life is to fulfill purpose. Those who fulfill their purpose in life, pursue their vision and live for others are those who are celebrated for generations to come. Don’t let the society brainwash you into believing otherwise.
Jesus was never married, yet after over 2000 years of His departure from the earth, His impact still reigns supreme. Paul was never married but I do not think the New Testament can be mentioned without the mention of Paul. Mother Theresa was never married but her impact on humanity still lives on for over 80years of her departure from the earth.
Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King Junior, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Mary Slessor, Cleopatra, Coco Chanel, Margaret Thatcher etc. All these men and women are not remembered or celebrated today because they were married. No, even though they were married, they are rather remembered for what they did, for pursuing their vision, for living for others and for fulfilling purpose. What do you want to be remembered for?
A lot of women have lost themselves and their purpose in life just because of who they married or their desperate desire to be married. Who told you that the most important thing in life is marriage? Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not against marriage, I am happily married myself. But what I am against rather is putting marriage ahead of fulfilling your God given purpose. Don’t let the status quo hold you down, especially in Africa; where a woman’s success is measured by marriage. The moment you are above 30 and not married, the society begins to see you as a failure.
Do not be a victim of the wrong mindset of the society. Don’t let your marital status define you. Begin to pursue your purpose in life and in the process the right man will come and you will be married if need be. Stop running after men and marriage. Instead run after God and the purpose for which He created you in the first place.
Some women will tell you, “My biological clock is ticking…” Ok, so what if your biological clock is ticking? I know the need of having your own children is vital, logical or authentic. But let it be known to you that it is not the greatest achievement in life. There are so many people whose memory cannot be forgotten in the history of time, who never had any children to call their own.
The greatest achievement anyone could have in life is fulfilling your God given purpose. It pays to live for something greater than you i.e. your Purpose. Living for God, and living for others. Let us all learn to put first things first, and every other thing shall be added unto us including marriage if you so desire.
By Dr.
Bien Sufficient
Bien Sufficient is a Medical Doctor, Pastor, Writer and a Public Speaker. President
@Kingdom Lifestyle Movement.
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