Wednesday 21 December 2016

Why Many Relationships Fail

Ever wondered why some relationships are so smooth sailing, while some are filled with bumps and hitches?
There are some people who change relationships like they change clothes and they are so clueless as to why their relationships never seem to stand the test of time.
Basically, most relationships fail because the people who are involved in it usually start off on the wrong side of the road. Their intentions are not necessarily defined. They are guided by their physical senses and tend not to see beyond the exterior of the person they claim to love. A relationship that is going to work and stand the test of time would have to do better than be driven by mere emotion (attraction and desire). Below are seven reasons why many relationships fail:

1. Lack of communication
A relationship that lacks good communication is bound to fail. Nothing is more exhausting than a relationship with a bad communication system, there is just something so awkward and draining about it. The ability of partners to express themselves wholeheartedly to each other is sine qua non to the success of any and every relationship. A good communication system includes being able to express your feelings to your partner, your fears, likes, dislikes, hurts, doubts, have a good laugh etc without holding back.
2. Trust Issues
We have heard it over and over again, where there is no trust there is no relationship, yes! because it's only a matter of time before whatever string of emotion holding both parties together will wear thin and snap. Possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity are all signs that trust is lacking.
3. Lies
So many relationships fail because one or both partners have spun a web of lies that has spiraled out of control. In as much as we all want to put our best foot forward when we meet someone we like, it would be inappropriate to start by creating wrong impressions and giving false information. Trust me one lie begets another and you are going to have a hard time keeping up with all the lies you would have cooked up.
4. Over-dependence
Naturally human beings love to be free, that's how we were wired, so relying too much on anyone is just a very bad way of life.
Your partner is not responsible for your happiness, financial wellbeing or comfort. Get that right even before you get into a relationship, learn to live free and let others do the same, that way you don't end up putting too much pressure on people and end up driving them away.
5. Dating for the wrong reasons
If you are in that relationship because you are lonely, he's rich, she's beautiful or he's famous your time bomb is already ticking, won't be long before the preliminaries end and the main event begins and with it comes a moment of reality. If the foundation is faulty, everything will come crumbling down sooner or later.
6. Fault finding
So many relationships fail because one or both parties have made a habit of snooping around and looking for trouble. Sniffing out and attacking every mistake your partner makes won't earn you any rewards. Learn to let some things slide, nobody's perfect, make corrections with love and only when it's absolutely necessary.
7. Incompatibility
This is one of the foremost reasons most relationships fail. In an event where two people who have no business being together, people who are like "oil and water" decide to come together, "the rocks" is certainly their destination.

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