Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Laws Of Marriage I

Marriage is God’s cardinal program for man on the earth. If you don’t have the gift of celibacy from God, you will be violating a critical law of creation, one that your body will be reacting against if you refuse to marry. Most people approach marriage with high expectations and low preparation, hence they get little from it. 

God is the founder of marriage and so marriage is a divine idea. When you do practices without an understanding of the underlying principle, you will produce mediocrity and several problems. In the original purpose of GOD for marriage, marriage was designed for help. Every maker always has the purpose for his design in mind. You can use an item against the design of the maker or you can maximize the item by discovering the maker's original intentions for the design.
A single man is not sufficient or satisfactory to heaven until he marries. Help meet; suited, adaptable and complimentary are words the scriptures use to describe a wife. Marriage is done to compliment and not to compete. A man will not be complete until he finds his wife.
The question every adult must answer is, “WHO IS MY SECOND TO MAKE ME BETTER?” You must settle it clearly. According to God’s plan for human beings, “two are better than one..." and "it is not good for a man to be alone” are laws in the kingdom. You will need partnership in business, ministry and life. No one will carry the same effect as your wife or husband. Your spouse in your life is not the same in effect as a business partner. Only death can separate you in marriage safely; any other separation cannot be safe. Marriage is like an omelet, each individual partner cannot be whole again. There is life after divorce but a divorced man or woman is not the same as a single man. It will take more effort for a divorced man or woman to make a second marriage work than a single person going into marriage for the first time.

There are people that are divorced before God but not divorced physically. Polygamy is divorce before God. Your choice of marriage partner will reflect your great wisdom or great error. As a single person reading this today, it is a call to get it right and maximize the benefit of marriage while for married people, it is an opportunity to make it right and be the right spouse that will fulfill the intention of God in your home.

Prayer: Father, help me to get it right in marriage. I receive the insight into and wisdom for this holy institution. to make the best out of my union and fulfill your mandate for my home in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Source: Spirit Meat, 05/05/2015.

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